wide smile

美 [waɪd smaɪl]英 [waɪd smaɪl]
  • 灿烂的微笑
wide smilewide smile
  1. It brought a wide smile to his face and laughter to his eyes


  2. In the above example it appears more rounded due to the wide smile .


  3. He greeted us with an expansive gesture and a wide smile .


  4. Let me introduce my assistant , Professor Snape , said Lockhart , flashing a wide smile .


  5. She is beautiful and black , with brilliant wide smile , toned arms and a hint of cleavage .


  6. ' I am glad to hear that !' said Gabriel , with a wide smile , holding out his hand to take hers .


  7. President H. Kim Bottomly took a selfie with him , each with a wide smile .


  8. Jan Hooks had a wide smile and expressive blue eyes and eye brows that conjured up the silent movie era .


  9. With sparkling , tear filled eyes and a wide smile , she quickly turned and said ," I knew Daddy would be with us on Christmas day !"


  10. The little girl was about eight or ten , I judged , with a merry face and a wide smile as she looked up at me .


  11. When I caught his gaze , my father was looking at me with a paternal glow , his mouth set in a wide smile .


  12. ' She knows me , 'Said Keno Carter with a wide smile , 'I am the only person who has touched her .


  13. The pressure made me more clumsy than usual , but eventually I made it out the door , feeling the same release when I saw him standing there , a wide smile automatically spreading across my face .


  14. I limped into the shop with my sore knee and introduced myself to Wayan the healer & a strikingly attractive Balinese woman with a wide smile and shiny black hair down to her waist .


  15. I limped into the shop with my sore knee and introduced myself to Wayan the healer - a strikingly attractive Balinese woman with a wide smile and shiny black hair down to her waist .


  16. He looked even stranger than before , with his small evil head and long thin body , and his wide oily smile .


  17. and bore so wide a smile upon his countenance ( a smile , however , very rarely , indeed , extending beyond his mouth ) , that there was something in it like the snarl of a cat .


  18. TU , I continued to nod , and then my eyes wide open smile , said , however , and big brother if you can love me with my concern , I wish to add an elder sister , then we will be happy everyone .


  19. Then he flashed a wide , wicked smile .


  20. He had and tossed his bridle to a pickaninny and stood looking up at her , his gray eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright on his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver .


  21. Zoe 's arms spread wide and a tender smile lit her eyes .


  22. wide eyed big goofy smile


  23. Of course , pet . Zoe 's arms spread wide and a tender smile lit her eyes . Carman , with a little sob , flew into her arms .
